Monday, March 13, 2006

Hi peps

I just realised or was it bitten by the patrickteoh bug of blogging that i had a blog some where in the internet space. So like nick say - it's howling time! Yeah, showed my age. Am actually edging to the big 50.

Let see what has happened since I last blogged ...

#3 came out - a lovely cute boy - Fergal. Yes I will be grandfather's age when sending him to school ! yes, there will be money pressure for education and all that kiasu stuff but heck, it's only money right? compared to the joy of fatherhood even though it means at times waking up in the middle of the night / early morning and feeding the baby. Yes, am a new-age father or trying to me.

#1 meanwhile gave me a so-so birthday present with his SPM results. Could be better then again being a father in absentia that is the best I can hope for. Disappointed? A bit but more sad about not doing enough for him Yet he is a lovely humanwhich is what I always hope him to be. Now to chew over his future prospects over the next couple of weeks.

#2 really have genes or bloodlines from my side of the family. Female genes that is. Driven, stubborn, single-mindeness, selfish and plain jane. Yes, can't say my daughter will ever be a looker unlike #1 or #3. She is very stubborn for a 3 year-old. Most people say it is the terrible 2 or 3 years old but I reckon it demonstrate her true future self. Her great-grandmothe, grand-aunts and aunty are similar in character.

#3 so far have showed good nature - ever smiling but have been showing signs of tantrums but only time will tell as after all he is only 8 months old.


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